
All Work
  • 13_BirdsofAWEB

  • 9_HowDoesYourGardenGrow

  • DSCN2280

  • GothicEDITNEW

  • LovesmeLovesmeNOT

  • LovesMeLovesMeNotdetail

  • Midnight in the Garden

  • PRINTroseCrownFinalWEB

  • PRINTroseCrownFinalWEBCROP

  • SALEprintWEBcrossedhearts

  • WEB1.a_little_bird_told_me2019

  • WEB1c_DSCN1012

Paintings: Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

This series of paintings exemplifies my desire to portray woman as the protagonist while utilizing elements of metaphor, icon, and allegory. The garden is often the setting for its obvious symbolism and origins in both art history and poetry. Influenced by a wide range of artistic genres my main influences include the Flemish masters, the Mannerists, religious iconography, Pop Art, tattoos, and urban graffiti. Titles and poses borrowed from art history and children’s fairy-tales add a bit of cynicism and humor to subjects often revered.






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