
All Work
  • 1.ASplash

  • 10.Dalton_SummerReflection

  • 15.SummerHeat

  • 2.CloudDance

  • 2.Dalton_Ominous

  • 2waterSWIRLtreeBackgroundWAVES3

  • 3.Dalton_UnderwaterForest

  • 4.Dalton_FullMoonBlue

  • Dalton_WetPaint

  • FLOWERLandscape2

Photo Series: Metamorphosis

Metamorphosis This series of created photographs are driven by my reaction to nature’s ever-fleeting metamorphosis evidenced by the extreme seasonal changes globally. I draw upon my work as a fine artist in painting as I transform photographs into painterly creations of multiple layered images and colors.

My lifelong preoccupation with collecting and displaying natural found ephemera further motivate me to highlight my yearning to literally hold onto nature’s evanescence. I am an innately impulsive gatherer organizing, rearranging & merging multiple elements into each obsessively created configuration.

The interplay of conflicting seasonal elements and stylized colors helps me to augment the illusive, ethereal component that I believe is crucial to reflecting the otherworldly ambiance I sense. As I ponder nature’s ever-increasing change there is both an innate apprehension of the repercussions of the ever-changing climate and a resultant beauty that is revealed.





*Many of these works can be printed as large as 60 inches wide and are perfect for both residential and commercial settings. I envision them printed on both traditional fine art papers as well as printed on alternative materials like aluminum or wood.




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